Medical Tourism

In the State, the development and propagation of preventive, curative and promotional health services are proving quite useful to public health. Under the preventive health services, the number of patients, affected by communicable diseases, has gone down and the mortality rate reduced. The small pox has been eradicated in the country, as a whole. Successful and intensified efforts are being made to prevent and control maleria and polio. Effective control over filaria and brain fever is being made. Blindness, T.B., Leprosy and Iodine-deficiency caused diseases were included in the National Programme for effective control. The member of patients, suffering from these diseases, is coming down every year.

Medical Tourism - Where the entire world meets for the best in Health Care

India has tens of thousands of skilled physicians and nurse practitioners. Over the last two decades, the economic boom in India has led to the building of medical facilities & infrastructure that rival the very best that western medical care that the west has to offer. Many of the physicians that practice in these hospitals and clinics have returned (to India) from the U.S. and Europe, leaving behind successful practices.

Medical Tourism in India is one of the best options available to people across the globe. Millions come every year to get treated and then enjoy their recuperative holidays across India. People from different walks of life cut across the entire span of the globe come to India to have their treatments done with peace of mind. India provides world class medical facilities with hospitals and specialized multi specialty health centers providing their expertise in the areas of Cosmetic Surgery, Dental Care, Heart Surgeries, Coronary Bypass, Heart Check Up, Valve Replacements, Knee Replacements, Eye Surgeries, Indian traditional treatments like Ayurvedic therapies and much more, practically covering every aspect of medicine combining modern treatments with traditional experience.